Appointments: (909) 548-5355
Appointments: (909) 548-5355
There is a plethora of dry eye causes including hormones, medications, diet, systemic conditions, environment and even your beauty routine! Dry eye therapy extends further than just eye drops. Schedule a dry eye evaluation so we can device the best dry eye therapy for you!
Blepharitis is a chronic inflammation of the eyelids and is a leading precursor to dry eye disease (DED). Since the eyelids and eyelid margins are never washed, an overabundance of bacteria and biofilm forms on the eyelids and eyelashes leading to complications.
Symptoms include crusting, swollen eyelids, redness, and recurrent styes.
Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a chronic, progressive abnormality of the oil glands of the eyes and is the leading cause of dry eye disease (DED). MGD has been linked with loss of productivity at home/work, contact lens intolerance and can negatively impact the outcome of cataract and refractive surgery. If left untreated, it can lead to oil gland constipation and eventual irreversible gland drop out/loss.
Symptoms include chronic dryness, intermittent blurry vision, irritation, redness, foreign body sensation, redness, grittiness, and so many more!
Demodex mites live in the hair follicles of the eyelashes and look like cylindrical sleeves on the base of the eyelashes. They easily proliferate when excess bacteria on the eyelids provide an accessible food source for these mites to consume. These mites
are common and become more prevalent as we age as more than 75% of patients over the age of 45 have mites and often go undiagnosed.
Symptoms include itchiness (often misdiagnosed as "allergies"), irritation, redness, and eyelash loss and misdirection.
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition due to hypersensitivity to normal environmental stimuli. Rosacea affects the skin and the sebaceous glands (oil glands) and can therefore cause ocular rosacea. Patients with ocular rosacea present with meibomian gland dysfunction and blepharitis.
Symptoms include burning/stinging eyes, swollen eyelids, redness, development of red vessels around eyes and skin (cheeks and/or nose), and recurrent styes.
Sjogren's Syndrome is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disease that affects the lacrimal gland, the cornea, and the mucous-producing cells in the eyes. Sjogren's patients can also present with meibomian gland dysfunction.
Symptoms include dry mouth, dry eyes, fatigue, burning, eye pain, red eyes, fluctuating and blurry vision.
Lagophthamos occurs when a patient has incomplete or abnormal eyelid closure. This can lead to excessive exposure of the front surface of the eye which can lead to ulceration and infection. Lagophthalmos can be associated with sleep apnea, high myopia, thyroid disease, and eyelid surgery.
Symptoms include dry eyes, blurry vision, red eyes, foreign body sensation, increased tearing, and usually worse upon waking up.
Punctal plugs are tiny devices (smaller than a grain of rice) that are placed in the eyes' tear ducts (called puncti). The puncti are small openings that function to drain tears from your eyes. When the plug slows down how fast fluid drains from the eyes it allows the surface of the eye to stay moist and comfortable; relieving itchy, burning and dry eyes.
There are 2 types of plugs:
This treatment is indicated for patients with chronic dry eye, aqueous deficient dry eye, post-refractive surgery, and very important to use once inflammation is under control.
Regener-Eyes® is a preservative free, natural, biologic ophthalmic drop that stimulates the natural healing of the ocular surface of your eye.
Main ingredients of RegenerEyes that allow for healing properties are:
Our doctor may recommend these drops to heal the ocular surface of the eye.
This treatment is indicated for patients with chronic dry eye, ocular rosacea, Sjogren's Syndrome, meibomian gland dysfunction, and contact lens wearers.
An amniotic membrane works as a biological bandage to heal damaged tissue occurring on the front surface of the eye. It is thin, lightweight, elastic and almost transparent making it suitable for use on the surface of the eye. These membranes are obtained from the avascular layer of fetal membrane from full-term, elective C-sections (the donors are carefully screened for transmissible diseases). The membrane has 3 layers: epithelium, basement membrane, and the stroma; all layers contributing to the healing process. The basement membrane closely resembles the cornea and the conjunctiva, which promotes cell growth. Furthermore, the stroma contains hyaluronic acid and cytokines which are successful at reducing inflammation.
Amniotic membranes offer patients a natural, sutureless treatment option with anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic, anti-microbial and anti-fibrotic properties.
This procedure is indicated for patients with chronic ocular surface disease, chronic dry eye, corneal ulcers, chemical burns, and exposure keratopathy.
Dry eye disease (DED) is a chronic, multifactorial, and progressive disease that causes inflammation and damage and significantly impacts the ocular surface health. Dry eye disease can cause a negative impact on quality of life as common symptoms include: dryness, blurry vision, burning, tired eyes, scratchy eyes, watery eyes, light sensitivity, and gritty sensations. Chronic DED can cause ocular surface damage and neurosensory abnormalities.
Common symptoms include: dryness, blurry vision, burning, tired eyes, scratchy eyes, watery eyes, light sensitivity, red eyes, eye pain, and gritty/sandy sensations.
Dry eye is a multifactorial disease meaning there are several possible causes of the disease. It can be induced by aging, hormonal changes, contact lens use, history of laser eye surgery, and even prolonged screen time . Furthermore certain medications (i.e. antidepressants or anti-histamines) and medical conditions (like diabetes, thyroid eye disease, or other autoimmune diseases) can exacerbate dry eye. In addition, environmental factors like smoke or hot, arid environments can also worsen dry eye.
An astonishing 86% of dry eye patients present with MGD (meibomian gland dysfunction)! MGD is associated with an increased bacterial overpopulation (blepharitis), which leads to eye inflammation.
Furthermore, in MGD patients the oil glands stop producing a healthy oil (clear and liquid meibum) and instead, produce thick, viscous and toothpaste-like meibum. The change in this oil consistency leads the oil glands to become more blocked and constipated. A hardened oil cannot be excreted when we blink which therefore leads to dry eye symptoms.
Since DED can negatively impact the integrity of your ocular health, it will also affect your vision. Furthermore, when your vision is affected, essential activities of daily living will also be impacted such as: reading, writing, and driving.
Our Comprehensive Eye Examinations are much more than just a glasses prescription. We truly believe in a thorough exam that is specific to every patient and their eye care needs. We screen for various eye conditions including cataracts, glaucoma, dry eyes, macular degeneration, ocular allergies, and many others. We always make the time to answer all your eye questions.
Dr. Yee loves treating all sub-specialties of optometry, but as a dry eye sufferer herself, treating dry eyes is her favorite! There is a plethora of dry eye causes including hormones, medications, diet, environment and even your beauty routine. Dry eye therapy extends further than just eye drops. Schedule a dry eye evaluation so we can devise the best dry eye therapy for you!
We treat a variety of non-surgical eye diseases including: eye infections, eye pain, light sensitivity, dry eyes, ocular allergies, foreign body removals and many others.
We also offer retinal imaging and dilated fundus evaluations to better treat and manage any eye diseases.
No contact lens is the same and there is no such thing as "one fits all." We care about obtaining the best fit and comfort with your contact lenses. Here at AVO, we take contact lens care seriously and value the importance of educating patients on proper handle and care.
Want independence from your glasses and contact lenses? Wondering if you are a candidate for LASIK?
We offer complementary LASIK/ PRK consultations to our patients. Ask us about the details during your eye examination.
If you are experiencing headaches, eye strain, pain around your eyes, double vision, or difficulty focusing at near or on the computer - you may have a binocular vision disorder. During this evaluation, we asses whether your eyes are working together as a team and if they are focusing the way they should independently and together.
Consult with Dr. Yee if you're experiencing these symptoms.
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